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Suite 1022
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The Brand Wellness Center - Enlightened Dentistry
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Hypnosis is a scientifically verified and effective technique that can promote accelerated human change. With Hypnosis, we can create desired changes in behavior and encourage mental and physical well-being. It is a tool to release your deeper self, your own unique creative and healing energy, to promote personal growth and to enhance self realization. Hypnosis is used to deal with a wide variety of problems and goals. It is used successfully to help people lead fuller, richer lives, and improve the quality of their experiences in the future.
Hypnosis and Dentistry
Historically, one of the major initial applications of hypnosis was the suppression of pain during medical procedures. This was supplanted (in the late 19th century) by the development of more reliable chemical anesthetics. Dr. Brand is a hypnodontist - a fully trained hypnotist with advanced certification in Hypnosis for pain control. She is also certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, often referred to as speed hypnosis. This is an excellent modality to release emotional traumas that are manifest in the physical body. It is extremely helpful in releasing anxiety that patients may have at their dental visit.
Hypnodontia– the use of hypnosis in dentistry – has a long history. Besides smoothing out dental procedures by way of its generalized anti-anxiety effects, use of hypnodontia can increase overall patient comfort, make the dental experience more relaxed , decrease resistance to future intervention and, through posthypnotic suggestions, encourage more rapid recovery.

Uses for Hypnosis
Anxiety Control Weight Loss
Pain Management Stress Management
Smoking Cessation Phobias
Accelerated Healing Public Speaking
Alcoholism Addictions
Positive Thinking Study Habits
Preparing for Surgery Past Life Regression
Traumatic Events Relaxation
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who can be hypnotized?
Almost everyone can be hypnotized, if they want to be. Approximately 97% of the population is hypnotizable. Approximately 25% of the general population can be deeply relaxed in a relatively short period of time.
Q. What is required to be hypnotized?
Mainly, a willingness to be hypnotized, an ability to relax, and confidence in the hypnotic process being utilized.
Q. Is hypnosis dangerous?
Hypnosis, when used properly, is no more dangerous than normal, natural sleep. There is no evidence that hypnosis will ever weaken the mind, or in any way adversely affect the physical, mental or emotional well being of a person. In fact, just the opposite may occur.
Q. How does hypnosis feel?
Since hypnosis is a natural state of mind, clients are often surprised that they hear every word. Unless one enters a deeper state, he or she may not "feel" any different than when relaxing in a favorite easy chair with a good book. One may feel quite mellow, and may feel light (or weightless), or very heavy as if sinking into the chair. If one enters a really deep state, the feeling may be euphoric for some, or almost like being intoxicated without the side effects. In a light state, it is entirely possible for a client to believe that he or she was not even hypnotized.
Loss of Consciousness
This is a major myth. Hypnosis is a natural altered level of consciousness (like using laughing gas at the dentist’s office), but you are not rendered unconscious. You are fully aware of everything in the environment and hear everything that is being said. Your full ability to think and tap into intelligent choices is heightened.
Weakening Your Will
This is not possible. You are in complete control. If you want for any reason to terminate the hypnotic state, you may do so by simply opening your eyes. You cannot be made to do anything against your will.
Spontaneous Talking
Patients do not spontaneously begin talking or revealing information that they wish to keep secret. You can talk while in a state of hypnosis and this may assist with resolving your problem.
Hypnosis is not sleep. The hypnosis EEG pattern is entirely different than the sleep EEG pattern.
What If I Can’t Come Out of Hypnosis?
In the hands of a trained professional, there is no danger in the use of hypnosis. Since the client holds the control, there is no difficulty in ending the session at any time.