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Colostrum: Superfood for Babies and Adults

Updated: Mar 17

Colostrum is what is often referred to as "pre-milk", or the fluid produced by the mother's mammary glands during the first 72 hours following the birth of her child. Colostrum provides vital immune and growth factors that ensure the health and vitality of the newborn. In fact, all mammals produce colostrum after giving birth to their young; and receiving colostrum is so important that most baby animals would become ill and die prematurely without it. Colostrum contains almost no lactose, so those that are lactose intolerant should have no problems with a high quality colostrum.

Nearly all infectious, degenerative and autoimmune diseases, including arthritis, diabetes, cancer and heart disease, are preceded or accompanied by impaired functioning of the immune system. This impairment can occur years or decades before the actual disease is diagnosed. Studies show that colostrum contains powerful immune factors (immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, cytokines and interferon) that work to help restore a properly functioning immune system.

• It also contains PRPs (proline-rich-polypeptides), which have been shown to be powerful immune system modulators.

• PRPs work by stimulating the thymus gland (producer of T cells) that provides protection against antigens.

• PRPs calm down an overactive immune system, thereby assisting in shutting down autoimmune diseases.

Colostrum also contains numerous growth factors (hormones) which promote healing and create an anti-aging response. These benefits include:

• Regenerate and accelerate normal growth of aged or injured muscle, bone, cartilage, skin collagen and nerve tissue.

• Muscle mass, which normally decreases with age, can be preserved or increased.

• Repair DNA and RNA.

• Bone mass and density is increased

• Heal burns, surgical incisions, cuts, abrasions, and mouth sores with topical application.

• Help regulate blood glucose levels and "brain chemicals", providing alertness and better concentration.

• Help regulate the brain's "feel-good" chemicals to brighten mood.

As for oral health:

• Control infection and pain associated with gingivitis, sensitive teeth and dental work.

• Conclusive study showing colostrum is effective in the treatment of Sjogrens (dry mouth) syndrome.

Colostrum is a whole, complete natural substance which doesn't need to be overly processed in order to be effective. There have been no contraindications, side effects, or allergies reported during the thousands of years of human consumption. Additionally, we know that colostrum's ability to increase the surface area of the small intestine can potentially make some medications, vitamins, and minerals more absorbable. This may necessitate that your doctor reduce your medication dosage. This also means that you’ll also get more nutrition from the foods you eat.

For those baby boomers born in the era of bottle feeding (not breast fed on mother’s milk), and hoping to improve chronic health issues, supplementing with colostrum may be the missing link for attaining better health.

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