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Why is My Head Buzzing?

Updated: Apr 3

For more than one hundred years, dental gold has been considered the “gold standard” in dental restorations. Used in crowns as well as tooth fillings alongside mercury silver fillings and other metals in the mouth, it has been found that this can create an electrical current sensation in the mouth.

Silver Mercury Filling next to Gold Crown

Sometimes, a patient will come in with exactly this symptom- electric shock sensations in the mouth with no obvious cause. Or something even more esoteric- a buzzing feeling in their head.

The concern with gold or any metallic material (titanium implants, nickel braces, mercury silver fillings, stainless steel crowns and partial dentures, etc.) in the mouth, is that they have the potential to create a galvanic reaction. Oral electro-galvanism is a term used for the association of oral or systemic symptoms of electric currents created between diverse metals between dental restorations and electrolytes (minerals) in saliva.

The pain associated with galvanic shock is caused by an actual electric shock. This shock occurs when the restoration of one tooth, touches the restoration of another tooth containing a dissimilar metal. Saliva facilitates the shock by functioning as an electrical conductor.

The electrical shock can be intense, especially when the 2 metals oppose each other and meet during chewing or when a fork tine should accidentally touch one of the metals. Or it can be mild, almost not noticeable as anything, except maybe for symptoms of chronic headaches, dizziness, nausea, concentration and memory issues, insomnia, psychological problems, tinnitus, epilepsy, hearing loss, eye problems, mouth pain, and other obscure indications.

With the introduction of EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) from cell phones and wi-fi, the symptoms can become intensified. Also, one should bear in mind that EMF exposure has its own set of health issues already associated with it, even if your mouth is metal-free. (See our many EMF postings here).

What is the best way to treat oral electro-galvanism?

The treatment is rather simple: remove all metals from the mouth and replace them with biocompatible dental materials. This will give you the start you need to move things in the right direction. Besides reducing the buzz in your head, other health challenges may abate.

Although there are no definitive studies on this topic, real clinical patient results have been observed. Here is one recent anecdotal account that may be of interest.

If you are having any of the symptoms that we mentioned above, it is advised that you should consult with your healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis before proceeding with any dental work.

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